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reseaux studiQG

Un troisième cycle à l’étranger ?

13 février 2007

Le programme Erasmus

L'entrée en troisième cycle est le moment idéal pour mettre les voiles. En effet, nombre de pays ne délivrent pas de diplôme supérieur avant trois à six ans d'études. Votre démarche sera d'autant plus judicieuse si vous dénichez une formation réellement en phase avec votre projet professionnel. À ce stade, fini les séjours linguistiques pour « prendre l'air » ! Parmi les multiples dispositifs disponibles en la matière, le plus connu demeure sans conteste le programme d'échanges Erasmus, qui permet de passer de trois mois à un an dans un autre pays de l'Union européenne, quelle que soit la filière d'études, avec reconnaissance du cursus suivi à l'étranger par l'établissement d'origine.

Les masters binationaux

Autre alternative : les cursus intégrés, ou masters binationaux, encore peu nombreux, devraient se développer avec l'harmonisation européenne. Programmes de formation instaurés par un établissement français en collaboration avec une ou plusieurs universités étrangères, ils proposent des périodes d’études alternées dans chacun des établissements partenaires, avec souvent un double diplôme à la clé. Pour la rentrée 2004, l'université de Nantes propose ainsi un master professionnel mention communication et médiations culturelles au profil international : « C'est une formation destinée aux linguistes, qui implique un semestre dans l'une de nos universités partenaires en master 1, et un semestre en stage à l'étranger en master 2, explique son responsable, Patrice Neau. Pour l'instant, nous ne délivrons pas de double diplôme, mais le caractère international de ce cursus est un atout certain. »

lu sur: www.letudiant.fr

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posted by urbanohumano, 10:35


The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) is pleased to announce four programs taking place in Berlin throughout February 2009. All programs are currently accepting applications…

The ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy (2nd – 6th February, 2009)

Europe Meets Latin America: A Forum for Young Leaders (9th – 13th February, 2009)

Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders (16th – 20th February, 2009)

Cultural Diplomacy in Africa: A Forum for Young Leaders (23rd – 27th February, 2009)
The ICD is an international, not-for-profit, non-governmental organization focused on the theoretical and practical promotion of cultural exchange as a tool for improving relations in all areas. To learn more about our activity, please visit http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org.

The ICD programs bring together Young Leaders from across the world for an analysis of cultural diplomacy, an exploration of the relationship between their cultures, and to create a sustainable network between likeminded individuals. Participants are encouraged to use the networks they develop to organize their own leadership initiatives in the future.

The ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy (2nd – 6th February 2009)
The ICD offers the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy to allow individuals of all backgrounds to gain an introduction in, or deepen their knowledge of, the field of Cultural Diplomacy. A diverse, inter-disciplinary curriculum featuring leading figures from the public sector, private sector and civil society will stimulate discussions of the salient issues in the field of Cultural Diplomacy today.
Further information: www.culturaldiplomacy.org/index.php?en_icdacademy_introduction
Enquiries: academy@culturaldiplomacy.org

Europe Meets Latin America: A Forum for Young Leaders (9th – 13th February 2009)
Europe Meets Latin America: A Forum for Young Leaders will bring together young leaders for a consideration of the bi-regional relationship between Europe and Latin America, and an exploration of important issues. Areas of focus will include regional Vs. national identity, the influence of development criteria on economic relations, and a consideration of the importance of cultural exchange in strengthening ties.

Further information: www.culturaldiplomacy.org/index.php?en_program_emla_introduction
Enquiries: emla@culturaldiplomacy.org

Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders (16 – 20 February 2009)
Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDE) has been designed to bring together young, influential people from Europe and across the world to explore the need for, and practice of, Cultural Diplomacy within Europe. Through carefully selected case studies and workshops, CDE will encourage the participants to explore the role cultural exchange can play in addressing regional, national, and local cultural divisions in Europe.

Further information: www.culturaldiplomacy.org/index.php?en_program_cdie_introduction
Enquiries: europe@culturaldiplomacy.org

Cultural Diplomacy in Africa: A Forum for Young Leaders (23 – 27 February 2009)
Cultural Diplomacy in Africa: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDA) was developed to address the urgent need for cultural diplomacy on the African continent. CDA will consider how Cultural Diplomacy can help to strengthen relations between different cultural groups within Africa, will highlight and look at examples of initiatives that currently exist in this area, and will encourage discussions on the role that external influences can, and should, place in the development of Africa.
Further information: www.culturaldiplomacy.org/index.php?en_program_cda_introduction
Enquiries: cda@culturaldiplomacy.org
commented by Anonymous Anonyme, 11:30 AM  
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commented by Anonymous Anonyme, 12:29 AM  
simply dropping by to say hello
commented by Anonymous Anonyme, 6:56 PM  

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